Thompson Common
Fringed Heartwort (Ricciarpos natans) just surfaced from the winter underwater world.
Tiny hearts spreading across the surface of the pingo.
A complete lack of the purple ventral scales seen in the images below from last June. Clear new out growths seen on the floating bodies, which can be seen in the above image.
Slightly more clearly in the enlarged images here.
Fringed Heartwort (Ricciocarpos natans) June 23
Willow-moss (Fotanalis antipyretica)
Fruiting Hornshuch's Beard-moss (Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum)
Bog Groove-moss (Aulucomnium palustre)
Lustrous Bog-moss (Sphagnum subnitens)_
A small liverwort tucked away in amongst the Sphagnum.
X 200
Liverwort Sp
After much dissection & measuring this was determined to be
Common Pouchwort (Calypogeia fissa)
Great Scented Liverwort/Snakewort (Conocephalum Sp) with new growth.
Fissidens Sp growing on stone.
Marble Screw-moss (Syntrichia papillosa)