Buxton Heath
The teeth on the tip of a Common Haircap (Polytrichum commune)
Yellow Starry Feather-moss (Campylum stellatum)
Yellow Brain (Tremella mesenterica)
X 400
Branch leaf
Stem Leaf
No fibrils
Rigid Bog-moss (Sphagnum teres)
Showing the very prominent prop nose cone bud indicative of this species.
It isn't the only species that shows this feature but being in Norfolk it is fairly conclusive.
Others include S fimbriatum, S girgensohnii and three rarities
Very partial to a baes rich flush or fen habitat
The last image shows the characteristic orange/ginger colour lower down the strand.
This leaf came from near the tip of the shoot.
Fountain Apple-moss (Philonotis fontana)
Very green. The mid leaf have the same pattern in in Smith - The Moss Flora of Britain & Ireland - Pg 790
Intermediate Hook-moss (Scorpidium cossonii)
Two projections on the abaxial surface of the leaf. In the case of D scoparium there are four.
Crisped Fork-moss (Dicranum bonjeanii)?
x 400
Branch Leaf
Stem Leaf
Stem Cross-section
Fibrils to half way across the leaf
Cow-horn Bog-moss (Sphagnum denticulatum)
Spiky Bog-moss (Sphagnum squarrosum)