Sweet Briar Marsh
Oaks (Quercus robur) in the autumn sunshine
One or two of the old Sallows had good collections pf epiphytes.
Wood Bristle-moss, Lateral Cryphaea, Dilated Scalewort, Minute Pouncewort & Syntrichia papillosa
Dilated Scalewort (Frullenia dilatata)
Wood Bristle-moss (Lewinskya affine) growing around the Hawthorn ( Crataegus monogyna) branches
Lateral Cryphaea (Cryphaea heteromalla)
Minute Pouncewort (Myriocoleopsis minutissima)
Lesser Pond Sedge (Carex acutiformis)
British White Cows working to create a more diverse environment.
Cowpat Gem (Chelymenia granulata)
Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)
Cylindric Beard-moss (Didymodon insulanus)
Fungus Sp?
Perforate St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Common Knapweed ( Centaurea nigra)
White-tipped Bristle-moss (Orthotrichum diaphanum)
The white tips at the end of the leaves give this one away. Grows on tress and stone
A small moss with a big name.
Hornschuch's Beard-moss (Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum)
Named after a German bryologist Christian Friedrich Hornschuch 1793- 1850
Lots of this moss in the wet grassland.
Heart-leaved Spear-moss (Calliergon cordifolium)
The small red fungus sp?
MarshThyme-moss (Plagiomnium ellipticum)?
Cells in diagonal rows and the leaf base does not run down the stem.
Large Willow Bark Aphid (Tuberolachnus salignus)