Dole Plantation
Common Smoothcap (Atrichum undulatum)
Capillary Thread-moss (Bryum capillare)
Carex Sp
Possibly Long-stalked Yellow Sedge (Carex lepidocarpa)?
Common Pincushion (Dicranoweisia Cirrata)
Silky Forklet-moss (Dicranella heteromalla)
Variable-leaved Crestwort (Lophocolea heterophylla)
Lemon Disco (Bisporella citrina
Oak (Quercus robur)
An ideal tree for Barbastelle bats because of the bark peeling from the bark, leaving crevices for the bats.
Thanks to MP for the comment.
Waved Silk-moss (Plagiothecium undulatum)
Drumsticks (Aulocomnium andogrynum)
The male organ of Forked Veilwort (Metzgeria furcata) found on the underside of a male plant leaf.
Bryum Sp
The steep sandy loam banks on the root plates of fallen trees are the ideal habitat for the species described below.
Lots of protonema felt around the site of the growing moss.
Poganatum Sp found on the root plate of the above fallen tree
Likely to be Aloe Haircap (Pogonatum aloides) rather than Dwarf haircap (Pogonatum nanum)
but capsules are the only reliable means of identification.
Fungus Sp under the bark of Poplar
Scaly Male Fern (Dropteris affinis)