Arrhenia Sp
TM - Arrhenia retiruga
Black fuzzy furry on Holly
SW - Corynespora smithii
Fungi of Great Britain & Ireland
Roundhead Sp (Stropharia Sp)
SJ - Blue Roundhead (Stropharia aeruginosa)
Botrytis cinerea on Bramble (Rubus fructicosa agg)
Calyptella Sp
Common Stump Brittlestem (Psathyrella piluliformis)
Inkcap Sp
Some warm brick red colours from the The Deceiver (Laccaria lacata)
Veined Bonnet (Delicutula integrella)
Dialonectria magnusiana on Birch Blackhead (Diatrype favacea)
Pine Jelly (Exidia saccharina)
AC - Simocybe centunculus
Glistening Inkcap (Coprinellus micaceus)
Some rather spectacular examples of Wood Ear (Auricularia auricula-judae)
Milking Bonnet (Mycena galopus)
Mollisia Sp
The spores matched the pictures in Peter Thompson with two oil bodes at either end.
So Probably M cinerea
Lots of tiny white stick fungi in amongst the Mollisia something for another time.
But another Mollisia seemed to suggest a different species.
From the pictures in Peter Thompson they seemed to have small polar drops rather than obvious oil bodies..
Suggesting Mollisia cf cinerella?
Then a further Pale Yellow Sp
Hairy round the rim of the apothecia
Hairy underside
Short stalk
Frosty Bonnet (Mycena tenerrima) with it's sugar coating dusting
Common Bonnet (Mycena galericulata)
Mycena Sp
A very young 'Pale Yellow Splash Tooth' (Mycoacia uda)
Something to see as a grown up
Mycoacia uda at Crust
Netted Crust (Byssomerulius corium)
Unknown at the moment on Netted Crust (Byssomerulius corium)
Sadly - TM - The orange/pink staining appears to be just that. The 'Candy floss' type hairs growing over the area appear to have no connection to the staining.
You can clearly see the brown edge to the gills in the image above
Brownedge Bonnet (Mycena olivaceomarginata)
Crimped Gill (Plicatura crispa)
Powderpuff Bracket (Postia ptychogaster)
Purple Pore Bracket (Trichaptum abietinum)
With clinginghairrs - inhabiting fir trees
In this case on a Pine log.
A stunning Redspored Dapperling with an equally stunning name
(Melanophyllum haematospermum)
Rosellinia mamiformis
growing on it
SW - Calcarisporium arbuscula
Scurfy Twiglet (Tubaria furfacea)
Slime Mold Sp
Comatriche nigra
Small Stagshorn (Calocera cornea)
Ochre Spreading Tooth (Steccerhinum ochraceum)
Velvetshank (Flammilina velutipes)
TM - Spores were measured to eliminate F elastica
Wood Blewit (Collybia nuda)
Wood Woollyfoot (Gymnopus peronatus)