Scarning Fen
Dogwood (Cornus sanguinea)
Xanthogramma pedissequum sensu stricto
Hedge Woundwort (Stachys sylvatica)
Woundwort Shieldbug (Eysarcoris venustissimus)
Wood Bristle-moss (Lewinskya affine)
Scarning Fen
A splendid display off Ash Buds (Fraxinus excelsior)
White-tipped Bristle-moss (Orthotrichum diaphanum)
Lichen Sp
Lichen Sp
All of the above on Ash
Frizzled Pincushion (Plenogemma phyllantha)
Syntrichia Sp
Syntrichia Sp
Xygodon Sp
Witches Butter (Exidia glandulosa) on Oak
Lichen Sp on Apple
Lyell's Britle-moss (Pulvigera lyellii)
Straw Bristle-moss (Orthotrichum stramineum)
A stack of about 15 shots.
Frizzled Pincushion (Plenogemma phyllantha)
A very nice mixture on an Oak (Quercus robur) & Apple tree (Malus domestica)
Black Bog-rush (Schoenus nigricans)
Comb-moss (Ctenidium molluscum)
An indicator moss of calcareous habitats.
In this case a calcareous fen.
Greasewort (Aneura pinguis)
A fuzzy green Algae Sp
Moon Poo - False Puffball (Lycoperdon reticularia)
Mueller's Pouchwort (Calypogeia muelleriana) complete with gemmae at the base on Alder (Alnus glutinosa)
This last image is a stack of about 25 shots.
Frizzled Pincushion living up to its latin name (Plenogemma phyllantha)
Alder Carr (Alnus glutinosa)
A wonderful display of Great Scented Liverwort (Conocephalum conicum)
Dog's Mercury (Mercurialis perannis) nestled in at the base of an Alder (Alnus glutinosa)
Even Scalewort (Radula complanata)
Bluish Veilwort (Metzgeria violacea)
Dotted Thyme-moss (Rhozomnium punctatum)
White-tipped Bristle-moss (Orthotrichum diaphanum) nestled in a crack in the bark of a Willow (Salix Sp)
with an accompaniment of Minute Pouchwort (Myriocoleopsis minutissima)
Unopened Flower
6 stamens & six tepals or perianth segments.
There are three inner ones & three outer.
Three stigmas for each ovary.
Field Woodrush (Luzula campestris)