Sennowe Park
06/04/24 18:54
A magnificent Parkland Oak (Quercus robur)
Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa)
Walnut Buds (Juglans regia)
Kitchen Garden entrance?
Winter Aconite Seed pods (Eranthis hyemalis)
Hairy Shieldbug (Dolycoris baccarum)
Beech Rot Hole
Larva of Prionocyphon serricornis) living in the Beech Rot Hole
Only about the fourth record for Norfolk
Found by M Collier
UK Beetles
Apple (Malus)
Common Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha)
The wonderful Sennowe Boathouse.
Dog Vomit Slime Mold (Filago septica)
Box Leaf and flowers (Buxus sempervirens)
Carr Woodland
Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) one of four or five nesting at the lake.
Nettle Rash (Leptosphaeria acuta)
Found at the base of dead nettles