This had an orange reaction to UV so points to a few species.
eg Pyrrhospora quernea & Lecanora expallens
Hairy Curtain Crust (Stereum hirsutum)
Likely to be Buellia grisevirens, with possibly Ochrolechia arborea below.
Ochrolechia subviridis on the base of a very old Oak (Quercus robur)
Crustose Lichen
Fuscidea lightfootii
Crustose Lichen on rocks & trees
Blue reaction to UV
BLS Page
Found by VB
On investigation and discussion with T Irwin it appears this is some form of biting Midge larvae in the genus Formicopyia.
from TI
Your photos do show a Forcipomyia larva. The blunt-tipped bristles on the back produce a hygroscopic substance that causes water droplets to form.
These then run down onto the larva, keeping it damp and enabling it to breathe easily. Forcipomyia larvae the world over share the same trick.
Several species have been described as larvae, but I don't have the article, and in any case, I'd be hesitant to say which species this is,
when some of the species are still unknown in the immature stages.
A website featuring larvae of biting midges with sticky drops on them.
Chaos of delight - Forcipomyia larvae
Cresponea premnea
Needs the dry bark of veteran trees (Oak, Holly, Yes & occasionally Beech, Lime, Hornbeam & Rowan) at least 300 yrs old
BLS Page
Brown Cup (Rutsroemia firma)
Lichen Sp 3
Sadly this was not Hawthorn Twiglet
Microscopically it was found to be Scurfy Twiglet (Tubaria furfuracia)
Witches Butter (Exidia Sp)
Harvestmen Sp
Opilio canestrinii
Common Pincushion (Dicranoweisia cirrata)?
Hypogymnia physodes
Harvestmen Sp
Oligolophus hanseni
Parmelia saxatilis
Rather than the more usual 8-spored Asci, this one can have 100-200 spores as the image from the recent Gressenhall workshop shows
Sarcogyne regularis
BLS Page
Verrucaria nigrescens f tectorum
Yoke-moss Sp
Seem to be growing on the church brickwork but actually growing on another moss remains - Wall Screw-moss (Tortula muralis)
The gemmae have both transverse and longitudinal cell walls (all taken from the same cushion).
Zygodon Sp
Green Ypke-moss (Zygodon virdissimus)
Chaenotheca trichialis
Crustose and granular to squamalose.
Stalked fruiting body
Very rare occurs only in the dry recesses of acid bark and wood.
Cladonia coniocrea
Variable Oysterling (Crepidotus variabilis)
Flavoparmelia caperata
Foliose Lichen
BLS Page
Lecanactis abietina
Crustose Lichen Mostly infertile but with asexual fruiting bodies (Pycnidia) the white pruinose (powdery granules) tips scattered over the surface
BLS Page
Pertusaria pertusa
Unusually an algal green, normally a greenish grey thallus.
BLS Page
Licheniicolous Fungi Sp
Milospodium graphideorum
Schismatomma cretaceum/decolorans
in fact
Sporodophoron (Schismatomma) cretaceum (first record for VC 27
Golden Dust Lichen (Chrysothrix candelaris)
Again an Algal green rather than the more usual dark grey
Pertusaria hymenea
A number of lichenicolous fungi use this species
BLS Page
Sporodophoron cretaceum - K+ Yellow
Evernia prunastri, with Parmelia sulcata above.
Thanks to RY for corrections and additions.