Hemisphaeric Liverwort (Raboulea hemisphaerica)
Bolander's Screw-moss (Tortula bolanderi)
A moss new to Britain found in 2021 by Mary Ghullam
Known from Macaronesia (Canary Isles & Madeira) and a few scattered localities in Southwest Europe but is more widely distributed in Western North America.
It was first discovered on rocks near San Francisco Bay, California, and was described as a new species, Barbula bolander, by Leo Lesquereaux in a paper read to the American Philosophical Society
in 1863. The species was named after Henry Bolander (1831-1897), a teacher originally from Germany who had settled in San Francisco in 1861 and subsequently became state botanist for California.
This is one of two sites for this species in Britain.
Lesser Bird's-claw Beard-moss (Barbula convoluta var convoluta)
Awl-leaved Screw-moss (Tortula subulata)
You can clearly see the very short, yellow, excurrent nerve at the tip of the leaf which is indicative of this species.