Stones & Lichen
A Day
Stones & Lichen
Tim Holt-Wilson & Rob Yaxley
Wickhampton & Limpenhoe Churches
Limpenhoe Church
Ramshorn Bagworm (Luffia lapidella)
A wingless female reproducing parthenogenetically
Caloplaca flavescens
Lecanora campestris
Often circular colonies. Apothecia red-dark brown
Fruticose Lichen
Ramalina fastigiata
Green when wet turning to grey as it dries.
Branches irregularly shaped, ending in flattened fruits which look like a fanfare of mini trumpets.
Lecidella elaeochroma
Common on smooth barked trees
Porpidia tuberculosa
Myriolecis crenellata
Myriolecis crenellata
Candelariella vitellina
Leconora campestris most likley
Protoparmeliopsis muralis
Trapelia coarctata
Acarospora versicolor
Verrucaria nigrescens
Candelariella vitellina
Wickhampton Church
Dirina massiliensis
Typically rounded thallus with a delimited margin.
This image was higher on the wall and the lichen looks well defined.
This image was of the lichen lower on the wall. it looks less well defined as if there is wash covering it.
Leconora sulphurea
Caloplaca aurantica
Distinguished by the flattened lobes at the edges of the lichen growth.
Also showing green patches where the algal layer has been exposed presumably by grazing?
Toninia aromatica
Grey and lumpy with a hint of green, studded with black, irregular shaped apothecia
Myriolecis crenulata
The thallus is usually not visible on this lichen.
Seems to present as isolated apothecia, with white cracked margins.
Myriolecis crenulata PDF
British Lichen Society
Another Myriolecis Sp
This time
Myriolecis albescens.
Caloplaca saxicola (Yellow)
The isolated grey apothecia surrounding the C saxicola is another Myriolecis sp
Myriolecis dispersa
The apothecia are much smaller and closed up
Myriolecis PDF
British Lichen Society
Diploica canescens probably
Caloplaca ruderum
Lecanora antiqua
Thallus absent but apothcai clustered together.
A Script Lichen often found on the North Wall of a Church
in this case
Arthonia calcarea